Understanding the Benefits of Mat Pilates for Improving Body Function + Quality of Life
Even more than an aesthetic appeal, Pilates offers many bodily benefits like mental well-being, muscular strength, and joint stability.
Each session is filtered through six principles (flow, core, breath, concentration, control, and precision) as your instructor aims to help you organize the body and move you efficiently.
When delivering a session, your instructor will give you cues to encourage developing deeper treads into your neuromuscular patterns that promote postural alignment and increase body flexibility.
In 2020, a study concluded that after 87 male participants completed just 30 minutes of Pilates, they expressed a significant decrease in anxiety, fatigue, and mood disturbance while noting an increase in energy and confidence.
Using slow, controlled movements, Pilates practitioners often see an immediate and positive change in back pain & joint tightness while increasing their balance through core strength and mind-body awareness.
This low-impact system is as good an option for professional athletes as it is for humans who could otherwise lead a sedentary lifestyle.